Kaolin Hemostatic Bandage

Characteristics of kaolin

  • Kaolin is white in appearance and soft in texture, which can effectively stop bleeding in areas
  • such as femoral artery and vein transection already liver injury and joint site injury.
  • Kaolin is a kind of non-metallic mineral with the advantages of low price and abundant resources.
  • It does not contain allergens such as animal proteins or vegetable proteins, so it is not easy to have metamorphic reactions when in contact with wounds.
  • Kaolin stops bleeding rapidly, and its efficacy for moderate to severe hemostasis is comparable to that of feldspar hemostatic materials.
  • It has no thermal phenomenon and is less likely to cause thermal damage to tissues.
  • Kaolin is not biodegradable and needs to be removed prior to surgery.

Kaolin’s hemostatic principle

  • Physical hemostatic process, by absorbing water molecules and triggering the natural coagulation of blood.
  • Activation of coagulation factor XIII (FXIII), which initiates the coagulation cascade reaction.
  • Kaolin’s layered structure and microscopic pores on the surface give it good adsorption properties and ion exchange properties
  • The surface of kaolin is negatively charged at blood pH, and upon contact with blood it rapidly activates
  • FXI to FXIIA, which initiates the endogenous coagulation pathway, which in turn activates FXI and initiates the coagulation waterfall, causing the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin monomers under the action of thrombin and eventually forming water-insoluble blood fibers.
  • It has also been reported that in the absence of FXI kaolin can directly initiate platelet-related FXI for hemost asis purposes.


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